
Brand strategy & platform

Brand narrative

Visual identity


Brand book





Welcome to You-Centred Healthcare

Kry is one of the world's fastest growing digital healthcare providers. Their ambition: Redefine the relationship we have with our health and reimagine the ways in which we care for it.

Moving beyond a tech-based doctor in mobile service, Kry seek to form a progressive part of the global healthcare system providing a digi-physical healthcare experience you control, for you to live the healthiest life possible. We worked collaboratively with Kry to reimagine a brand with a narrative and visual language to build beyond these ambitions.

Welcome to You Centred Healthcare. How are you?

Kry is one of the world's fastest growing digital healthcare providers. Their ambition: Redefine the relationship we have with our health and reimagine the ways in which we care for it.

Moving beyond a tech-based doctor in mobile service, Kry seek to form a progressive part of the...

Putting you, your health, your life first.

Seeking inclusion in peoples lives by asking one question to the world:

Introducing a (new) universally familiar language

To meet the Kry brand needs, across platforms and channels, from digital through physical environments, on 14 markets and growing – a new 'You-Centered' and universally familiar visual language was introduced.

Providing for a globally accessible health authority.

More than just tools. A logotype, typeface, tone of voice, graphic language, colour and image universe all designed to turn "patients" back into real people and meet them eye-to-eye.