
Brand strategy & platform


Visual identity

Guidelines & templates

Packaging design

Industrial design


From embarrassment to pride

The women’s intimate care segment is one of those tricky categories. A provider of products that people genuinely need, but equally filled with those types of products that consumers feel uncomfortable buying, and dread asking for. In short, intimate care is embarrassing. Which leaves one question, how does a new brand about to launch in this tricky segment, disrupt the convention, set a new direction for the entire category and inspire people to think differently?

Introducing LIP. A bold and empowering name and mark deliberately loaded with innuendo, but delivered with elegance and sophistication. And to support it – clean, modern, confident and shelf-commanding packaging design for a range of ‘Lusciously Lippy’ products that scream don’t buy me because you need me, buy me because you want me. Utilising the strength of Swedish feminism, embolded with a confident attitude and sprinkled with knowing humour to create a brand that offers a category unique personality and products that demand to be placed front and centre on the shelf. Less a brand of products for medical conditions, more a lifestyle choice.

The women’s intimate care segment is one of those tricky categories. A provider of products that people genuinely need, but equally filled with those types of products that consumers feel uncomfortable buying, and dread asking for. In short, intimate care is embarrassing. Which leaves one...

Don't hide it

Shame can’t be a part of this so we wanted something bold and courageous to communicates our pride in these products.

Graphics to match

Clean and simple with accentuating colors to match the craft paper packaging that corresponds well with the organic content inside.

”A brand that is made to celebrate life, my daughter and all the amazing women out there.”

Veronica Campbell
Founder and product developer