
Illustrator: Joakim Agild


Catch me, I’m a can!

Lucky Bait is a brand new unfiltered lager from Spendrups. The result of a collaborative and strategic innovation project, now making waves as the most affordable beer at Systembolaget. Inspired by the fishing culture, Lucky Bait’s design, name, and playful copy evokes the spirit of nature, hard work, and the well-earned reward of a refreshing beer.

Entering a competitive market, the challenge was to create a unique design that leverages the universal appeal of fishing and making it approachable and desirable for a wide audience. Our idea was to make the beer into the eye-catching and seducing bait, that will finally catch that big fish you’ve always dreamt of. From concept to production, we have carefully crafted every shiny detail for it to come together as one strong brand and a reel good lager.

There are many amazing fishing stories to be told and we look forward to being part of a long and exciting brand journey with Lucky Bait.

Lucky Bait is a brand new unfiltered lager from Spendrups. The result of a collaborative and strategic innovation project, now making waves as the most affordable beer at Systembolaget. Inspired by the fishing culture, Lucky Bait’s design, name, and playful copy evokes the spirit of nature,...